Join us in supporting students, educators, and leaders throughout the DC public charter school community.
Get Involved
Attend a DC Charter School Alliance Advocacy Meeting to learn about our issues and opportunities for action (September-May) by contacting Emma Tacke.
Engage with your elected officials on Facebook and Twitter. Post a photo of your school on your legislator’s Facebook page and invite them to tour your school. You may also tweet directly to your legislator. Be sure to tag @DC_Charters and use the hashtag #DCCharterSchools. Click this link and scroll to the bottom to find your elected officials.
Sign up for a parent advocacy trip to the Wilson Building to speak to DC City Council or State Board of Education members.
Learn how to support or oppose a bill through written or oral testimony.
Receive up-to-date information about our advocacy campaigns.
Sign up for our advocacy newsletter and join us in the movement to ensure a strong, robust charter school sector in Washington, D.C., and transform the lives of DC’s students.

Resources for Schools
We provide targeted support to member DC charter schools and those who want to start a DC charter school to build a stronger, more effective charter sector. To see if your school is a member of the DC Charter School Alliance, see the full list of the Member Council. If you are interested in joining the DC Charter School Alliance, please contact us. If you are interested in our resources, but are not a member, please contact us for non-member options.