Policy Priorities
The DC Charter School Alliance advances a robust policy agenda that enables DC’s public charter schools and their teachers, students, and families to thrive.
The DC Charter School Alliance works toward
Fair and Adequate Resources
Public charter schools must have access to equitable funding through the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula, facilities, and other necessary resources.
Empowered Accountability
We support policies that provide public charter schools with the greatest autonomy and flexibility in decision-making while holding them highly accountable for high-performance outcomes.
Retaining and Recruiting High-Quality Educators
We recognize that student success is built on a school powered by dedicated professionals, from operations to academics to health. Retaining and recruiting high-quality educators—teachers, paraprofessionals, social workers, and other behavioral health staff—is the number one factor in students’ achievement. We support a system of services that allow educators to live and work in the District and adequate resources to support educators’ professional development and mental health.
Safe and Healthy Homes and Communities
We support policies that ensure the District is safe for students and their families to thrive. That includes providing safe transportation to and from schools; reducing gun violence, which touches too many students and their families; improving access to affordable and supportive housing; ensuring the needs of the whole child are met, both physical and mental; and creating pathways for adults and young adults, including expanding education opportunities through adult charter schools.