Get the Facts

DC Public Charter Schools are public schools.

Every DC student–regardless of ZIP code, income, learning style, or ability level– deserves a high-quality public education that prepares them for lifelong success.

Why public charter schools?

A one-size-fits-all education system leaves some families behind. Charter schools expand the opportunities that families have to choose learning models that prioritize their students' needs, whether that’s special education needs or social-emotional needs. Each charter school provides unique experiences, from focusing on social justice to offering instruction in multiple languages, using a Montessori-based approach, or engaging in inquiry-based learning, just to name a few.

What are public charter schools?

Charter schools are tuition-free public schools that are open to all students. Charters do not select their students; they are assigned to a school by the MySchoolDC lottery.

DC charters are a diverse community that includes homegrown, single-site charter schools and nationally recognized models. Each is operated by independent nonprofit local education agencies.

They are nimble, responsive, and innovative at their core.

Congress established DC’s public
charter sector with the passage of the District of Columbia School Reform Act in 1995, giving DC families more options for public education, and established the DC Public Charter School Board as the independent authorizer of public charter schools in the city.
Charter schools are funded by the District on a per-student basis, just like traditional public schools.

The charter school law has fostered an urban education system that was and continues to be a model for freedom and flexibility, but serves to ensure schools act in the best interest of students.

Public charter schools in DC enroll more than 47,000 students from all kinds of backgrounds. Nearly half of students served by charter schools are designated “at risk” of academic failure, and nine out of every 10 students are Black or Brown.

Who do public charter schools serve?

DC public charter schools at a glance

Public Charter School Enrollment By Ward (SY 2023-24)

Ward 1


44% of total enrolled

Ward 2


42% of total enrolled

Ward 3


0% of total enrolled

Ward 4


44% of total enrolled

Ward 5


72% of total enrolled

Ward 6


27% of total enrolled

Ward 7


55% of total enrolled

Ward 8


58% of total enrolled

134 DC public charter schools operated by 68 local nonprofit education agencies are creating educational opportunities
for families.

This includes:

14 early childhood education schools

44 elementary schools

28 middle schools

18 high schools

9 adult schools

15 elementary/middle schools

5 middle/high schools

1 special education school

*(SY 2024-25)

What Does It Mean To Have Freedom & Flexibility? 

Students and families have diverse needs. Public charter schools create educational opportunities that help more students thrive, such as:

1. Montessori-based approach or inquiry-based learning gives students the opportunity to discover their world on their own in a protective, supportive environment.

2. Multilingual education helps students master multiple languages throughout their academic studies.

3. Specialized instruction for students with disabilities so that students and parents feel confident in the services provided to foster lifelong success.

4. Curriculum focused on social justice to help students become more informed global citizens.

5. Adult education schools with programs designed to help students get the skills and credentials they need for essential jobs in fields such as health care, early childhood education, IT, and hospitality.

6. Partnerships with employers that give students hands-on experience before they graduate and empower them to earn industry certifications.