Testimony Before the DC Council Committee of the Whole at the Public Hearing on Bill 26-73, Heads Up! Distraction Free Learning Amendment Act of 2025

By Nicole Travers, Senior Director of School Support and Program Data

Good afternoon, my name is Nicole Travers, and I am Senior Director of School Support & Program Data at the DC Charter School Alliance. The DC Alliance is the local non-profit that advocates on behalf of public charter schools to ensure every student can choose high-quality public schools that prepare them for lifelong success.

The DC Alliance has been engaging with our school leaders over the past several years on the topic of cell phone use in schools. We’d like to thank the State Board of Education for the opportunity in December to share the charter perspective on this topic. 

Overall, the DC Alliance supports schools as they develop and refine their own internal school policies, and we receive feedback on lessons learned from those who have moved forward with policy implementation. School leaders have implemented student cell phone use policies and procedures that they believe will work best in their unique school communities and will support maximum student learning. Schools align their policies with their learning models, the size of their school, and the schools’ demographics. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to determining whether and how to implement a student cell phone and wireless device prohibition policy. 

In a 2023 Pew Research Center survey, 72% of high school teachers identified cell phone usage as a significant issue. Sixty percent of those surveyed reported that enforcing cell phone policies was either very or somewhat challenging. We have seen “Off and Away” policies become more prevalent across the DMV, with at least five large districts – Fairfax, Arlington, Montgomery, Prince George’s and Prince William counties – piloting or already implementing policies at the middle and/or high school levels. 

 In DC, the vast majority of charters prohibits cell phone use during the instructional school day. The DC Alliance would like to offer a few key recommendations for consideration if the bill moves forward, based on strategies and lessons our charter schools have learned by adopting cell phone policies over the past few years.

First, we recommend giving LEAs a full year to implement any cell phone policy. If the Council passes this legislation, per the bill’s requirements, OSSE will need time to produce a model policy. We hope for opportunities to share feedback, based on the myriad of learned experiences from our LEAs about the challenges in implementing a new cell phone policy. LEAs will need adequate time to make updates to their existing school policy, including implementing staff training. Additionally, leaders would need more time to develop communication guidance and safety protocols for parent outreach during emergencies.

Second, we encourage a city-wide public awareness campaign around the new policy to increase the DC community’s knowledge and understanding of what to expect. The campaign should reinforce messaging on improved academic focus and safer learning environments, which may help increase student attendance.

Relatedly, we request OSSE identify additional training opportunities for schools and for families who struggle to adapt to the policy and students who experience emotional dysregulation when their phones are taken during the day. LEAs will also need guidance on expectations for discipline in relation to repeated non-compliance with the policy, and what is viewed as an appropriate penalty for non-compliance.

Next, LEAs will need resources to implement the new policy. In an environment where schools are expecting challenging local budgets and steep cuts in federal grant funding, absorbing costs for any new mandate will be especially challenging. Start-up costs include per-pupil annual costs for phone pouches or phone storage boxes, plus additional staff needed for policy implementation and enforcement. There are hidden costs, too, like the influx of calls to front office staff from parents needing to get messages to their students.

Finally, we recommend adult LEAs be excluded from the cell phone policy. Adult students need to be directly reachable by their children, families, employers, and others. Adults are also fully equipped to regulate their own behavior and adhere to classroom etiquette.  

Moving Forward

In closing, we appreciate the Council for creating the opportunity for important discourse on this timely issue. Thank you for your time and attention, and I welcome your questions. 


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