DC Charter School Alliance Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 2024

By Ariel Johnson, Executive Director

Yesterday marked the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month, (September 15 - October 15)! First proclaimed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968, this month provides us with a chance to recognize here in DC and around the country, the many invaluable contributions of Hispanic-American communities and celebrate the beauty and diversity of Hispanic and Latinx cultures. The annual celebration coincides with the independence dates of Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua.

For decades, the District of Columbia has been home to many dynamic and growing Hispanic-American communities. In fact, as of 2024, more than one in every 10 DC residents identifies as Hispanic or Latinx. We see our Latinx community in our doctors, lawyers, public servants, business owners, family members, neighbors, and friends. Their impact is felt in our city’s economy and through beautifully diverse cultural contributions.

The same holds true for our city’s public charter schools, which we are proud to say serve more than 8,000 Hispanic and Latinx students. In recognition of this fact, many DC public charter schools offer immersive language programs in English and Spanish, with programs designed for everyone from young children to adults. Some schools offer workforce development and support services to adult immigrant populations, helping them gain the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in their new home. 

We’re immensely proud of schools like DC Bilingual PCS, Briya PCS, LAMB PCS, Carlos Rosario International PCS, Cesar Chavez PCS, and Mundo Verde PCS, which focus on meeting the needs of these communities. We’re also incredibly grateful to the many Hispanic school leaders, principals, teachers, and staff who work in our city’s public charter schools to ensure every student has the opportunity to receive a high-quality public education.

The theme of this year’s celebration is “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together,” emphasizing the critical role that Hispanic Americans have played in pushing our nation forward. From visionary leaders and activists like Cesar Chavez and Sylvia Mendez, to cultural luminaries like Celia Cruz and Isabel Allende, Hispanic Americans have made irreplaceable contributions on every front imaginable, helping to mold our nation into what it is today.

Looking for ways to celebrate this occasion or simply want to educate yourself on the history or present of Hispanic and Latinx communities? Attend one of the many learning and cultural events the District has to offer, and don’t forget to patronize a local Latinx-owned business!

Check out NBC Washington’s list of the ways to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month around DC all month long.


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